

If you would like to help us by donating please click on the link above. Alternatively we are fundraising by selling donated items at lots of market stalls and on Ebay –  so if you have anything you don’t need any more which we could sell please do get in touch

All donations are going into an account and 100% of them will be used towards equipment we need for Brians medical use

So far we have raised enough funds for the quickmove, ceiling hoist and now we are aiming for transport

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin£6,500Raised £4,301 towards the £6,500 target.£4,301Raised £4,301 towards the £6,500 target.66%

We are now fund raising for a disability vehicle for transporting Brian around in his wheelchair

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin£6,500Raised £6,500 towards the £6,500 target.£6,500Raised £6,500 towards the £6,500 target.100%

A ceiling hoist is needed to move Brian around the room and we have now raised enough funding to purchase this piece of equipment – Many, many thanks to all that have helped us along the way !

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin£1,700Raised £1,700 towards the £1,700 target.£1,700Raised £1,700 towards the £1,700 target.100%

A massive thank you to everyone who has donated money or goods for us to sell along with all of you who have bought from our stall, we have now raised enough for the first piece of equipment needed for dad ! The Quickmove.

